The Caretaker of Tree Palace: Chapter 3 – Soil

#TeacherGuide for The Caretaker of Tree Palace For Discussion Why do you think this chapter is titled “soil”? What fears did Doodles have at his new school? Have you experienced similar feelings? Explain. How did he feel about people looking at his drawings? Why? Why did the birds grow to trust Boy after what they’d... Continue Reading →

Perspective as Life

There’s a game I used to play when I was a kid. There’s not a name for this game, and I probably never told anyone I did it. If I did tell someone, they’d just think it was strange or they wouldn’t understand what I meant. But I played the game a lot. Every morning... Continue Reading →


I listened to the Guardian's live YouTube coverage of the impeachment hearings today. This was the shot the camera was at the recess. It's an image to ponder. I'm #thankful for those who have the courage to speak up and was moved by Lt. Col. Vindman's opening statement.

Gratitude for Chairs

God and I have an inside joke about chairs. In the first year or so after I became a Bahá'í, I helped organize the Sunday devotionals program at the Dallas Baha'i Center. This was during the time when the Center was in a funky old house on Northwest Highway, not the big church that it's... Continue Reading →

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