Special prices on my Kindle ebooks … some FREE ones too

My Kindle ebooks will have special pricing on Amazon.com in September. And one of my ebooks will be FREE. Here are the sale dates if you need a digital book to curl up with. ~ My Kindle titles that are ON SALE from Sept. 8 - 15, 2019 ~ The Waking Tree, Waves, and Daydreamaholic ~... Continue Reading →

[Novel] Daydreamaholic: “I’m a daydreamaholic.” “Yeah, isn’t everybody?”

[Novel] Daydreamaholic: “I’m a daydreamaholic.” “Yeah,” she said, gulping down her mouthful. “Isn’t everybody?” “No. I mean, maybe. I guess. But no. I really think I have a problem. I think I can trace all my problems back to too much daydreaming.” Read more: https://amzn.to/2RoxOqG Check out my Amazon Author page for some great deals... Continue Reading →

[Novel] Daydreamaholic: “Marcie wished a fire-breathing dragon would pass through this way.”

[Novel] Daydreamaholic: Suddenly, Tabitha and the rest of the cheerleaders were dressed in long gowns from the olden days. The really olden days back when there were knights on horseback and kings in castles. Marcie wished a fire-breathing dragon would pass through this way. That would be one way to solve at least some of... Continue Reading →

Some of my Kindle titles are [On Sale] This Week] including my creepy ghost story, The Waking Tree

[Kindle Books on Sale This Week] https://amzn.to/2NZqYc1 THE WAKING TREE Everyone is haunted by something. In this allegorical tale told by a tree, we witness the decay and redemption of a modern family. For Abra, the maddening effects of secrets, both past and present, shred the reality of all around her until all that is... Continue Reading →

[Novel] Daydreamaholic: “It’s not like the fairy could really do anything anyway. It was just a part of her wild imagination.”

[Novel] Daydreamaholic: Glancing around, Marcie saw that the fairy was gone. She used to love seeing the little sprite when she was younger. It always seemed like she always said the right thing to take Marcie’s troubles away, but she knew she was getting too old for that. She was going to be thirteen in... Continue Reading →

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